Each month a free two-sided newsletter will be sent to your inbox. Just fill out the following form and email it to Dr Deb at DrDeb@Buildhealthykids.com. If you would like to order color printed versions of the newsletter, order below.

Newsletter Request Form

The following topics are covered each month:

February  FatsAmerican Heart Month
MarchSoda/JuiceNational Nutrition Month
April  SedentaryNational Turn Off TV Month
May  SodiumHigh BP Education Month
JuneFruitNational Fruit and Vegetable Month
July  Exercise  
August    Involve KidsFamily Meals Month
SeptemberGrainsWhole Grains Month
OctoberVegetablesNational Farm to School Month
NovemberTreatsNational Diabetes Month
DecemberCalcium/Vit DCold/Flu Season

FREE E-mail Newsletter

E-mail copy of monthly Newsletter
Price: $0.00

Printed Newsletter

8.5" x 11" Two-Sided Newsletter
Price: $216.00

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